Nevada Corporate Headquarters, Inc.

Nevada Corporate Headquarters, Inc.

"We Launch Businesses and Protect Wealth!"
Feedback Score


Trevor Rowley

Email this agent

(800) 398-1077
(702) 889-6812
4730 S. Fort Apache Road, Suite 300
Las Vegas, NV 89147
Annual Rate

Negative Feedback
Clients who left a:
Positive: 0Neutral: 0Negative: 1
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J. Harper
Boise, ID

Company name:
Pain Partners, LLC

08/07/2016 2:32 PM

They set up the company for a substantial fee, with the claim that they would help me through the first year of business. There was very limited communication, until it was time for their annual fee (which also was inflated with “optional services” already included in your total). They were not very helpful when I did contact them for questions, nor were their services any different than the MUCH cheaper corporations. Needless to say, more than disappointed.

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